drama - oh dear i heard a rude word ...

                        & other shocking things


We all have different attitudes towards levels of violence, bad language and nudity within drama.

But the world is what it is, and drama reflects that - so I must when forming plans within the project balance public reaction and attitudes to that of the performance.

Remember many I have worked with go on to a career in the film industry - my over censuring at the start is not in their interests, but at the same time I must take into account the feelings of the performers and the justification for what I put on screen or include in the work scenarios.

InVisable Me has a performer age range [as opposed to performance age range] of 16-18+ within most of it's work and castings. 

When an actor is 18 they complete a form here which indicates their level of work as decreed by the industry.

This allows them to exclude or include within their personal range of performance. I, in turn, will advise them what I feel they are capable of or may be expected to include by directors., casting agents etc.

If ofcourse they are not planning an acting career the importance of this form is lessoned and can be governed to what they enjoy performing.

I do have self-set rules of what I will not allow - but generally, drama should reflect real-life if appropriate and may include swearing, bad taste, controversial views, sexual life aspects, drug abuse, violence and so on - but always seriously considered before going ahead.

Historic drama is fraught with problems of racial attitudes, legal then now illegal activities, recreational activities, and attitudes towards others.

Smoking which today would be frowned upon in modern drama is often a key activity in periods from the past - a sixties based drama without smoking would often cease to be a sixties drama.

[Smoking in performance here is normally using performance props, and real smoking is not normally included.

InvisAble me can include  some strong subject themes such as drug abuse and mental health issues just being two - so actors sometimes must depict such - but as always they choose their roles.


Wheres the gun?

an improvised performance from a given scenario. It was set that no violence should be evident.

scenario performed by Luke Blackmore & James D.

[2019] - InvisAble Me.